SND annual workshop postponed until ’22

  • July 20, 2021
Society for News Design

As we have shared previously, this year The Society for News Design has focused on reassessing the organization through a member survey, conversations and expanding communication with members and non-members, as well as working toward regaining a solid financial foundation. 

This reassessment also included a motion passed by the board and approved by member vote to change the leadership structure, dissolve the current board of directors and elect new board members who will continue to focus on the future of SND. The board elections are scheduled to take place in August or early September. 

With this major transition for SND in its leadership model, and the ongoing world health and safety concerns, SND has determined it would be in the best interest of the organization and its members to forgo our annual conference this year and focus on a future conference in 2022. 

Our organization is a volunteer-based community that thrives with the involvement of active volunteers. While we have seen a small increase in volunteers to help create new events and training opportunities, to organize the annual workshop requires a dedicated team of individuals to program, produce, plan logistics and organize volunteers over several months. 

We realize this decision is not everyone’s preference but is the most prudent direction the Society can take for the moment.

SND is committed to the ongoing training, education and sharing of ideas in the visual storytelling community. The organization will continue to produce its monthly Creative Conference Calls series and the events committee will continue to look for more education and training for our members this year. 

If you are interested in helping the Society prepare for it’s next annual workshop — in-person or virtual — we are always looking for programming ideas, speaker suggestions, hands on ideas, and host/facilitator volunteers. Whether you’ve helped in the past or not, we’re eager to come together again and can use all ideas and assistance to create the right offering for members.  

If you have ideas about changes for next year, please take this as an invitation to get involved with SND. You can find volunteer opportunities on or you can reach out to or