Wile on SND: The relationships "are still paying dividends"

  • November 6, 2014
Society for News Design

The Society for News Design is in the middle of a membership drive and has asked some of its members to explain SND’s importance to them or their career. Today, we feature ….


Jon Wile
Creative Director
American City Business Journals

“SND is largely responsible for my career development through its community and networking opportunities. The mentoring I was given during college and in my first job was invaluable, and those mentors opened doors for me that wouldn’t have opened otherwise (Thank you David Kordalski, Steve Dorsey and many others.) Those relationships have lasted more than a decade and are still paying dividends.”

If you feel the same way about SND, please consider joining or renewing your membership today. It’s easy. Just follow this link: snd.org/join