
Latest news from SND and the visual journalism storytelling industry

The winners: Silver medal No. 1

Society for News Design

The first silver medal of SND35 goes to Dagens Nyheter of Stockholm, Sweden, in Breaking News Topics, Nelson Mandela.

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3 Questions: Rich Boudet

Society for News Design

Rich Boudet is Sunday sports editor at the Seattle Times, and is on the team judging the News entries for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know him better, we posed three questions: Have you spotted any design trends? Vector illustrations and circle graphics, lots of circle…

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SND Syracuse Symposium: What we learned

Society for News Design

Gathered at Syracuse University to judge the 35th Best of News Design™ competition, three speakers shared their best advice for students at the Newhouse School for Public Communications.

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The winners: A of E No. 50

Society for News Design

An Award of Excellence goes to The Daily Telegraph of London, UK, in Breaking News Topics, Nelson Mandela.

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The winners: A of E No. 25

Society for News Design

An Award of Excellence goes to Politiken of Copenhagen, Denmark, for General News Single Photo, Planned Events.

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3 Questions: Ying Wu

Society for News Design

Ying Wu is assistant professor/design editor at the University of Missouri, and is a judge for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know her better, we posed three questions: You were a judge in the digital competition, but this is the first time you’ve judged the print…

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3 Questions: Tricia Reinhold

Society for News Design

Tricia Reinhold is creative director at the Gannett Phoenix Design Studio, and is judging Features for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know her better, we posed three questions: What design trends have you found while judging? Small, precise color palettes. Whether the colors are one or…

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3 Questions: Douglas Okasaki

Society for News Design

Douglas Okasaki is senior designer at Gulf News, and is on the team judging the News category for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know him better, we posed three questions: What was your takeaway from being a judge? I felt a certain sense of responsibility of…

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3 Questions: Peter Nguyen

Society for News Design

Peter Nguyen is design director at U-T San Diego, and is judging the World’s Best-Designed™ Newspaper for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know him better, we posed three questions: What was your takeaway from being a judge? That there’s an amazing amount of intelligent, beautiful work…

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3 Questions: Domenic Macri

Society for News Design

Domenic Macri is art director of Report on Business Magazine and the Globe and Mail, and is a Features judge for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know him better, we posed three questions: What are your observations about the entries this year? Some have great ideas…

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