3 Questions: Tricia Reinhold

  • February 8, 2014
Society for News Design

triciaTricia Reinhold is creative director at the Gannett Phoenix Design Studio, and is judging Features for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know her better, we posed three questions:
What design trends have you found while judging?
Small, precise color palettes. Whether the colors are one or two strong, saturated primaries or a few soft and muted shades, they’re being used smartly in a very direct fashion.
Did this hold for illustrations as well?
Illustrations also had a very limited palettes which made for amazingly clean, powerful and highly graphic imagery.
What inspires you?
» Clean simple lines, in illustrations and in page structure.
» Interesting grids with a pop of something that surprises me, whether it’s spot color, simple line drawing(s) sprinkled in to help tell the story in a visual way or a highly graphic illustration.