Couldn’t attend? Take our poll and watch the replay of the SND Business Meeting

  • August 17, 2022
1024 576 Society for News Design

It has been a busy few weeks for SND. A new executive directors has been named; SND is returning to in-person events and has an ambitious schedule of events in 2023; and the Society has an open call for two seats on the Board of Directors.

It’s a lot and a lot to stay on top of. 

To make it easier for our members, SND held a virtual Business Meeting on Aug 17 at 12pm -1pm ET. On the call, members could: 

  • Meet and hear from LeeAnn Mandrillo, SND’s newly named Executive Director
  • Ask questions of board members about the open call for the Board of Directors
  • Learn about 2023 events schedule and new event types
  • Stay informed on the overall status of SND

Members also had the opportunity to take in a short 1-minute poll. The poll is still active if you would like to participate. Your feedback will help us in the next few months as we plan our 2023 events schedule and grow SND.

To view this meeting, you must have an active, paid account with our membership system, MembershipWorks.