3 Questions: Paul Gonzales

  • February 8, 2014
Society for News Design

gonzales3Paul Gonzales is deputy design director/features at the Los Angeles Times and is on the team judging Visuals for the 35th Best of News Design™ competition. To get to know him better, we posed three questions:
Do you have any advice for people entering next year?
Make sure you enter only your very best work. And if there is any work you are especially proud of, don’t be afraid to enter it in multiple categories. It gives you more of a chance to win when different judges look at the work under the specific criteria of the category they are judging.
What are your passions outside of work? 
Good movies, great theater, tasty dinners, delicious wine and a dirty Grey Goose martini with blue cheese stuffed olives. If it all takes place in Tuscany, all the better.
Are there any trends you’ve spotted?
Pantone 18-3224, skinny jeans which are still trending, and full beards with a clean cut parted hair style