2020 SND Annual Workshop & Conference is Going Virtual

  • July 2, 2020
Society for News Design

This year’s postponed SND Workshop has a new name and new dates: Mark your calendars for September 18 – October 1, 2020 for SND 2020.

While we love our annual in-person gatherings, we value the health and safety of our members and attendees above all else. Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change many aspects of our daily lives, however it also creates the opportunity for our event to be more accessible across time zones, travel limitations and other circumstances. 

This will be our first fully digital conference and the SND Workshop committee has been diligently working to pivot to a virtual format. More details will be released in coming weeks — but you can expect sessions to be scheduled in short blocks of time over several days during the fall. We will be using video conferencing tools to bring presentations live to you, wherever you are. 

While several of our previously scheduled speakers will be presenting, we are looking for some creative and innovative sessions to add to our lineup. Deadline to submit your session pitch is July 22. 

We also acknowledge the economic toll this pandemic has caused our industry and beyond, so we are thrilled to announce the lowest conference prices in decades. Rates for non-members will be $99 – with additional savings for members, educators and students. 

Interested in being involved with the virtual conference? Check out the FAQ below to find out how to get involved.

Stay tuned for more information to come.


Q: What if I previously registered for SNDDC before it was postponed?
A: All registered SNDDC attendees should have received an email about your options. If not, please reach out to Paige K. Connor.

Q: Why is the workshop over such a long period?
A: Each day of the virtual conference will only have 2-4 sessions, allowing attendees to engage without digital fatigue. This will also allow us to add additional timely sessions of interest.

Q: What time of day will the conference be?
A: It will vary from day to day to allow maximum participation from participants all over the world. 

Q: What if I miss a session?
A: We will be recording all of the sessions.

Q: Will I need a special technical set-up to be in the virtual conference?
A: We will use common web-based tools. The attendees will not incur additional technology costs.

Q: Will I be onscreen?
A: We miss seeing all of you! While we encourage attendees to use the video option, there will be an option to not have your camera on at all times.

Q: When will the schedule and costs be announced?
A: We are looking to announce the speakers in early August and the schedule shortly after that, though tentative to change. Registration will open later next week and costs will be available then.

Q: Why is the virtual conference so much less?
A: We know that high conference and travel fees mean not everyone can join us. This is just the first step to bring our professional development sessions to as many news and information organizations as possible. 

Q: What are you looking for in session pitches?
A: Be as creative or expansive as you’d like. We love new ideas. We love to share tips, tricks, best practices, inspiring and innovative solutions but most important, we want to know what you are doing, how you are doing it and share it with our worldwide community. Sessions will be short, about 30 minutes each, so make sure you can share everything you want in that time.

Q: When will I know if my pitch was selected?
A: Our panel will review pitches shortly after the deadline and will contact those who submitted pitches. Please make sure all of your contact information is correct on submission. If we can not reach you, we can not use your pitch.

Q: How can I be involved in SND 2020 besides pitching a session?
A: Yes!!! We are eager to have you in any way you can join us. What do you love to do? Bring us your talent and passion and we will find a great outlet for your time and energy. 

If you want to help, let us know. We will be work to get you involved as much or as little as you can give. Contact Paige K. Connor if you are interested.

Q: How can I sponsor the SND virtual workshop?
A: We love our sponsors and those that support our organization and our commitment to continual education and professional development. If you are interested in sponsoring our virtual conference, please contact Tiffany Shackelford.