SND35: Judges award New York Times silver medal for mayoral election coverage

  • March 22, 2014
Society for News Design

Best of Digital Design judges awarded The New York Times a silver medal for its mayoral election coverage. It was the ninth silver medal awarded in the competition.
NYT Mayoral (620)
“It was just really cool … You were like, ‘Damn, why didn’t I think of that?’”
“There’s some really strong techniques for presenting the videos, specifically the page where it had all of the candidates standing there and you click on them and they would come forward. It’s really kind of personal.”
A Viewer’s Guide to the Mayoral Candidates
Five Questions for the Mayoral Candidates
The Voting Blocs of New York City
Tracking the Mayoral Candidates Across New York City
Polling on the Mayor’s Race

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