SND leadership 2019: Seeking nominations

  • June 22, 2018
Society for News Design

The Society for News Design is seeking nominations for the office of Secretary/Treasurer for 2019. This is an open-ballot position: anyone who is nominated, meets the requirements of the position and chooses to run will appear on the ballot.

Nominees must be members of the Society in good standing, with a history of service to the organization. They should also have a record of managing people and a working understanding of financial operations.

We will accept nominations through Wednesday, Aug. 1. Please send your nominations to

Voting will be conducted starting in September.

The SND offices of President and Vice President will also appear on the ballot. Under its bylaws, the Society operates a leadership “ladder” where the Secretary/Treasurer is automatically nominated to be Vice President and the Vice President to be President. Those nominees still must be elected, but the two higher offices run unopposed. Online balloting does allow write-ins.