SND election results: Okasaki, Evans, Connor named 2017 officers

  • November 8, 2016
Society for News Design

Two hundred fifteen members (up from 163 last year) cast votes in this year’s elections for secretary-treasurer, vice president and president. Write-in votes are allowed and recorded in the results below. The final election results are:

Total votes 215


Paige Connor 117
Bonita Burton 96
Greg Manifold 1
Melissa Angle 1

Vice President

Tyson Evans 206
Bonita Burton 2
Saulo Santana 1


Douglas Okasaki 206
David Kordalski 1
Josh Crutchmer 1

The new officers begin their terms on January 1, 2017. Other leadership updates will be announced before the end of the year. Thank you to all who participated.