Design Thinking, Panel Discussions, and Portfolio Reviews, oh my!
Written by Audriana Gibson, Michigan State University
We are starting #SNDChicago off right.
As many as 40 students or more gathered to gain insight on the innovative process dubbed “Design Thinking,” presented by Northwestern University’s Joe Germuska of Knight Lab.
Separated into four groups, students collaborated with one another to create a concept, whether that be an app, social networking site or any other innovation that would meet a fictional user’s needs.
The groups presented their ideas during the session, applause was given and inspiration was definitely planted.

California State University Chico got their creative juices flowing by drawing pictures of toast.
The fuel for innovation did not stop there.
The second portion of the session included a panel discussion featuring these knowledgable professionals:
- Yuri Victor is the Co-Founder of and the Senior Director of Innovation.
- Jon Wile is the VP of Content at the American City Business Journals.
- Aviva Loeb is the Digital Designer at the Washington Post.
- Angelica McKinley works at the Intersection of Tech and News in the Bay Area.
The topic? Getting a job after college. The students were definitely all ears for that one.

Aviva Loeb- Washington Post, and Angelica McKinley- Intersection of Tech and News.
To end the session, students were allotted three 15 minute “minisessions” to undergo portfolio reviews with Media and Design professionals as well as general networking to prep for the world outside of lecture halls. Overall, the event was a success and students left with smiling faces, business cards spilling from their pocket, and of course, a stomach full of pizza.
For more on the sessions that are taking place at #SNDChicago, visit our Twitter (@snd) and Instagram (@societyfornewsdesign) for live updates throughout the event.