
Latest news from SND and the visual journalism storytelling industry

#SNDMakes teams define projects, begin work

Society for News Design

Day one of #SNDMakes included time for participants to discuss questions related to our topic, a series of lightning talks on subjects ranging from project management and user testing to Tarbell and Meteor.js, and low-fi wireframing.

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Agenda for #SNDmakes Indianapolis: The story form

Society for News Design

This weekend, in conjunction with the digital competition in Indianapolis, more than 30 industry thought leader are digging in on two focused days of ideation and prototyping for #SNDmakes Indianapolis: The story form.

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SND35: Boston Globe wins silver for Marathon Bombing coverage

Society for News Design

Best of Digital Design judges have award the competition’s first silver medal to The Boston Globe ( for its non-planned coverage on its homepage over multiple days of the Boston Marathon bombing.

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SND35: Best of Digital Design judging is underway!

Society for News Design

The judges have converged in Indianapolis at the Ball State University Indianapolis Center to begin the Best of Digital Design competition. We have a record number of entries for the digital competition this year.

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[DEADLINE EXTENDED] Best of Digital Design competition

Society for News Design

We are now accepting entries for the 4th annual Best of Digital Design Competition, highlighting the best digital stories, websites, mobile and tablet apps of 2013.

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