Meet Yuri VictorSND Board of Directors

  • September 7, 2022
Engaging portrait of SND Board Member Yuri Victor. He has a big smile and is pointing to a trophy he's holding. We're not sure what the trophy is for, but he looks happy about receiving it.
624 624 Society for News Design

Current Title: Senior Editor
Organization: The Atlantic
Country: United States
Twitter: @yurivictor

Position: Secretary/Treasurer

SND Statement

Community is the heart of SND. 

Everyone I’ve ever talked to about why they stay with SND talks about the community. The community “got me my first job,” “helped me when I was struggling,” “helped me when I lost my job,” “helped teach me new skills that changed my career,” “helped me just because.”

I care much more about the SND community, its context, and culture, than I do about the specific processes and plans. That’s probably not the kind of answer that gets you a job and I’m OK with that because it’s been my life-long experience that when you care about the community, plans have a way of working out.

My vision is to empower the SND community through listening and collaborating with its members to make a stronger community that can last.

Here are some things about SND I am personally passionate about, and maybe we can work together to improve:

  • Teaching: I think we can grow revenue and membership by offering more quick courses to more people in more places.
  • Diversity: The work on diversity is never done and while we’re a global organization, too many of our businesses don’t reflect the audiences they serve. I believe we can and must find ways to empower designers to make more diverse and accepting companies. Organizational charts are designed.
  • Partnerships: First, I want to find ways to work with more learning institutes because I think mentorship is important but also it is essential that we empower a new generation of design leaders, and secondly, I think we should find ways to partner with corporations and foundations because it can lead to exciting possibilities and bring in new perspectives.
  • Support: I want SND to continue to be the support network it has been for so many of us throughout our careers, as a mentor, champion, and connection.
  • Onward: Lastly, I want to be an ally for the improvements and dreams of the smart officials in SND over the past few years.

Whether you agree or disagree, please reach out and let’s chat. The best ideas won’t come from me and they won’t come from just the board. The best ideas come from all of us working together as a community.

We burn out alone or we spark together.


Yuri Victor lives in New York and is a senior editor at The Atlantic. He’s helped hundreds of companies rethink their digital experiences, created software used by thousands of organizations, and worked with the largest media and tech companies on design and emerging technology. He co-founded, drawing the original concepts on a napkin, before leaving to help start a profitable research and development department at The New York Times. For the past 12 years, he’s administered SND’s servers, helped plan multiple conferences, roamed the world teaching quick courses for the organization, and judged multiple competitions. He is passionate about building happy teams and cultures. His dog is named Rosie and she is adorable.