Matt Liddy
Current Title: Editor, Story Lab
Organization: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)
Country: Australia
SND Vision
The Society for News Design has an opportunity to build upon its highly successful and valuable awards programs to share more knowledge back with the journalism design community. This could be done simply and effectively by tapping into the existing knowledge of SND members and award winners, and sharing information back more widely. The SNDs could also increase transparency and information-sharing around its awards process, helping the community to understand what makes for great work in the judges’ eyes, and what went into that work from the professionals involved.
Matt Liddy is the Editor of ABC News Story Lab, a cross-disciplinary team of journalists, designers and developers at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Story Lab works on data journalism, visual journalism, explainers, breaking news, planned news and new format development. The team’s goal is to use the skills of its team members to find and tell stories in new and compelling ways for digital audiences. Its team members are the recipients of multiple SND awards over the past decade.