Grimwade on SND: "It's the essential support network for people in our business"

  • October 28, 2014
Society for News Design

The Society for News Design is in the middle of a membership drive and has asked some of its members to explain SND’s importance to them or their career. Today, we feature ….

Grimwade copy

John Grimwade
Information Graphic Artist/Consultant

“SND has played a huge role in the development of my career. Ideas, support, and professional friendships. It’s impossible to put a value on that.

Many of my biggest influences have come directly from SND presentations, workshops, or just conversations at the bar!

It’s the essential support network for people in our business. We need it more today than we ever have.

Professional friendships and connections that have lasted through my entire career. And in 2014, I’m still connecting to people through SND.”

If you feel the same way about SND, please consider joining or renewing your membership today. It’s easy. Just follow this link: