
SND37: Syracuse For First-Timers

Society for News Design

For all those descending on the Best of News Design judging for the first time, or who may need a refresher, everything you need is here.

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SND37 U.S. Entry Deadline 10 Days Away

Society for News Design

A reminder that if you haven’t already begun pulling and assembling your entries for the 37th annual Best of News Design print creative competition, now is the time to act.…

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Dramatic scenes from the crackdown on Zaman

Society for News Design

On Dec. 14 Turkish authorities raided Zaman’s offices and detained its editor-in-chief, Ekrem Dumanli, as part of a wider media crackdown. Dumanli was held for five days.

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Fast, practical mapping solutions from Maps4News

Society for News Design

If you’ve attended the SND annual workshop in recent years, you’ve likely met Christian Erades and checked out Maps4News. Erades is the sales manager for the cartographic company. I caught up with Christian recently.

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Lost in translation? Spanish, Portuguese Calls posted

Society for News Design

The Spanish version of the Call for Entries is now available for your downloading pleasure here. Other languages coming soon. A few items of note: Later deadlines: The deadline for…

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