
Announcing the ÑH2016 awards

Society for News Design

For Spanish, click here Five publications have been awarded top prizes in the ÑH2016 competition, recognizing the Best of Journalistic Design in Spain, Portugal and Latin America: * La Nación…

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SND election results: Okasaki, Evans, Connor named 2017 officers

Society for News Design

Two hundred fifteen members (up from 163 last year) cast votes in this year’s elections for secretary-treasurer, vice president and president. Write-in votes are allowed and recorded in the results below. The final election results are:

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Announcing the Region 19 Olympics competition winners

Society for News Design

SND’s Region 19 — covering Asia and the South Pacific, including India, Australia, Japan, Indonesia and Southeast Asia — recently put out a call for the best pages covering the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games. Entries came in from all over the globe.

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Sometimes the aims are subtle

Society for News Design

When Ole Munk was called in to redesign and help launch several new pages at Kristeligt Dagblad, he wanted to tread lightly: “The degree of change is small and that is on purpose,” he says.

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Your choice: Presenting the 2017 SND officer candidates

Society for News Design

We’re pleased to introduce you to this year’s candidates for the 2016 SND offices of secretary-treasurer, vice president and president. Voting is open to all SND members and will begin on Sept. 26.

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Amid post-coup crackdown, SND members detained

Society for News Design

The failed coup against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in July left more than 270 people dead and resulted in a government crackdown against journalists, among others.

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Olympics Games 2016

Society for News Design

Sports designers worldwide plan in advance special pages that must convey the spirit of the event. SND will showcase the best Olympic Games designs. Your contribution is welcome.

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Seeking nominations: 2017 officer elections

Society for News Design

The Society for News Design is seeking nominations for the office of Secretary/Treasurer for 2017. This is an open-ballot position: anyone who is nominated, meets the requirements of the position and chooses to run will appear on the ballot.

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