
SNDCLT is almost here!

Society for News Design

It’s hard to believe we are less than a week from the Society for News Design annual workshop in Charlotte, N.C. We want to share a few tips for when…

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SND partners with .design for member benefit

Society for News Design

We are excited to have partnered with an innovative service provider to help SND members stand out in an increasingly digital world. The new .design domain name is going to be provided free for the first year via our own site.

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Welcome SND’s New Board Members

Society for News Design

I am pleased to announce the appointment of our four new members on board. Let us welcome Adonis Durado, who has accepted to take the role of Print Publication Director.…

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On equal rights in Charlotte

Society for News Design

On Thursday the state of North Carolina reached an “awkward compromise” to repeal House Bill 2, the controversial measure that restricted cities such as Charlotte from enacting anti-discrimination ordinances and…

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Malofiej Awards turn 25

Society for News Design

Pamplona becomes for a week the Infographics capital of the world and brings together the best from Infographics activity from the principal media (newspapers, magazines, agencies) from all over the world

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6th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Society for News Design

For those who live in Japan, earthquakes are almost part of their daily routine. A tremor occurs in Japan at least every five minutes, and each year there are up…

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