The New York Times has won Silver for its series of composite photographs showing key moments during the Rio Olympics. Category: Special events: 2016 Summer Olympic Games Title: Decisive Moments…
The Wall Street Journal won Gold for its innovative ‘Red Feed, Blue Feed’ chronicle of the left-right split in the United States. Category: Features: Single-subject project Title: Red Feed, Blue…
The New York Times has struck Gold for the second time in the competition, for its entry focusing on Chicago violence, ‘A Bullet Could Hit Me and My Kids Anytime.’
Vice News Design has earned Silver, its first, for its motion graphic breakdown of “All I Want for Christmas.” Category: Motion Graphics Title: Mariah Carey Link: Comments: “VICE put…
The Guardian of London has earned a Silver medal in Experimental Design for its VR experience of solitary confinement. Category: Experimental Design Title: 6×9: A VR Experience of Solitary Confinement…
The Guardian of London has earned a Silver medal for its coverage of the 2016 U.S. election. Category: Special events: U.S. elections Title: The U.S. Elections Links:…
The Washington Post has won a Silver medal for its coverage of the 2016 election. Category: Special events: U.S. elections Title: Washington Post Election Coverage Links:…
The Washington Post has won a Silver medal for its progressive web app, which allows stories to load immediately and features rich offline reading capabilities.
The New York Times has won a Silver medal for the UX design of its product that provides TV and movie recommendations. Category: Product Design Title: Watching Link: Comments:…
The New York Times earned a Silver medal for breaking news graphic of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. Category: Graphics: Breaking news Title: What Happened Inside the Orlando Nightclub…