Breaking news: Søren Nyeland as keynote speaker #SNDLondon2017

  • September 4, 2017
Society for News Design

It is confirmed! World’s Best-Designed Politiken design editor Søren Nyeland will be our keynote speaker in #SNDLondon2017

One thing is certain, Northern Europe publications are showing the world their undeniable high quality of design and creativity in visual journalism. As proof of this fact, the Northern Europe publications got the top award as SND winner for “World Best” Politiken (Copenhagen); They have been awarded 4 times as SND’s World’s Best-Designed Newspaper in 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2015, and the most prestigious award as European Newspaper of the Year in 2010 and 2016.

With these accolades, we are honored and proud to announce our keynote speaker Politiken Design Editor Søren Nyeland at the SND London 2017.

Visit SNDLondon 2017 website: all speakers



The judges wrote:

After being named a World’s Best-Designed™ Newspaper winner last year (2012), it would be very easy for any publication to become complacent or stale, but Politiken has managed to elevate its great work, and indeed, build on it.

Politiken’s efforts have become a defined classic in the industry, but the designers and editors somehow manage to renew their energy every day. This is a newspaper that has reached visual maturity but still has promise for more to come (we hope).

Overall, Politiken’s content drives the visuals — so the visuals could literally be anything. They have the tools to execute that wide variety of content and tone. Through a combination of their efforts, structure and discipline, they take a medium format daily and make it warmer and more intimate – almost like a really large compact. The quality is so rich that Politiken could be a weekly, but the staff is executing at that high a level on a daily basis.

There is a thoughtfulness to the cropping and editing of photographs with designers using full width of pages for impact. Oftentimes, we turned pages to find an unexpected and delightful grouping of photographs or illustrations, as seen in a story about a young entrepreneur who had to restart a career after an illness.

Politiken is a model for the power of visual consistency throughout a newspaper. A previous winner in this category, Politiken again deservedly joins the ranks of World’s Best.

Photo by Kim Skotte

Design Editor Søren Nyeland has been Design Editor of the Danish daily Politiken since 1997. He holds a Masters of Design and has led a design development team that resulted in several awards. Among them are: SND’s World’s Best-Designed Newspaper in 2007, 2012, 2013 and 2015. And notably, the European Newspaper of the Year in 2010 and 2016. Nyeland has served as a jury member at SND, SND/S, SND-Russia and ENA. Nyeland has been an influential speaker at conferences in Boston, Buenos Aires, Helsinki, Istanbul, Moscow, Madrid, Stockholm and Vienna.



More speakers to be announced soon. Stay tuned!


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