Best of News Design: SND38 World’s Best-Designed™ Newspapers

  • April 21, 2017
Society for News Design

The Society for News Design is delighted to announce the two winners of World’s Best Designed Newspaper. Entries were evaluated on writing, visual storytelling, use of resources, execution, photography, headlines and “voice” – as well as overall design.

Congratulations to the two World’s Best print winners from SND38:

Die Zeit



From the judges:
“Die Zeit was just exceptional in every way. I’m finding it hard to find any fault in this paper. From the typography, to the picture editing, illustrations, photographs, the scale in particular is the thing that really is exploited by these guys. The thing that I’m sure we are all massively impressed with is the way they are taking a very sort of traditional authoritative paper with a serious breath of coverage but they are having fun with the design. It gives the reader a really lovely experience. There is intelligence in the design choices but it’s entertaining. It feels like they’re having a lot of fun in exploiting its page size. I think for us judges, the thing we were really looking forward to this year is seeing how does a newspaper stand out in this terribly difficult space of delivering newspapers and I think Die Zeit absolutely nailed that.”

From the judges:

“We felt that this paper had an amazing amount of energy, enthusiasm and cover to cover design from the first page to the last page. It was compelling, it pulled us in to work through page after page to really enjoy the pacing and in the most positive sense, the aggression in the way that they designed the pages. There is a voice to the newspaper. The paper is typographically very sophisticated. Their use of white space takes the density out of longer stories in a way that it beguiles the reader to dig into the content. The picture editing is flawless, crops are magnificently done, the illustration use is absolutely spot on and the color use is perfect. Lots of contrast in this paper, the dark type and the dark rules counter balance with white space in a real sense of grid. There’s a purpose to this paper.”