The Society for News Design is making extensive changes to its annual Best of News Design Creative Competition with the print, digital and student competitions merging this year into a single competition.
Categories have been streamlined to better cover all platforms and types of visual journalism and storytelling. Instead of being organized by platform, categories are now organized by topic, and you will have the opportunity to submit print, digital or combination work to most categories. There will be one group of expert judges that evaluates all the work and determines awards.
Additionally, for the first time, there are also categories for non-editorial work. This includes ad campaigns, corporate reports, presentations and more.
The Best of News Design competition provides an opportunity for newsrooms to share their work and receive recognition for excellence and innovation in news design. The competition also serves as a valuable learning experience for judges and volunteers. Judges will recognize journalistic excellence in storytelling, graphics, art direction and social media to identify visual journalism that defines the state of the art.
All entries must have been published between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024.
If you have questions, check out our FAQs or email us at
The entry portal is now open! Entries will be accepted here until the end of February.
Standard deadline: Friday, Feb. 14, 2025
- Members: $25 for a single page, $40 for multiple-page entries. (World’s Best categories: free)
- Non-members: $50 for a single page, $80 for multiple-page entires. (World’s Best categories: $80)
- Students: $10 for a single page, $15 for multiple-page entries
Extended deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
- Members: $30 for a single page, $45 for multiple-page entries. (World’s Best categories: free)
- Non-members: $60 for a single page, $90 for multiple-page entries. (World’s Best categories: $90)
- Students: $20 for a single page, $30 for multiple-page entries
The categories
All entries will be judged for excellence in various criteria, including: design and presentation (typography, styling, pacing, organization, photo editing, user experience, information architecture, usability, use of color etc.) as well as innovation (new tools or experimentation). Reporting and content creation (data visualization, information graphics, use of visual media, illustration and art direction, etc.) will be considered if applicable. Development (responsiveness, performance, browser compatibility, interactivity, accessibility etc.) may also be considered for digital entries. An entry does not need to check off all items to receive an award. For non-English print entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Click on any of the subcategories to see more details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions.
1. Story Page Design
This category recognizes visual storytelling across platforms.
Digital: Use special coverage or portfolio for multiple-URL entries.
Print: Spreads or doubletruck pages count as a single page entry. A doubletruck is defined as two pages designed as a single unit. Stories that continue beyond a single page in print may also include additional related designs as one multiple-page entry; the cover is not required with entry. Work from multiple sections or multiple days must be entered in special coverage. Any given print page may only be entered twice in this category: once as a single page entry and once as part of a multipage entry. Single pages entered more than once will be disqualified.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
2. Infographics
This category recognizes graphic storytelling. Entries that have been created with the use of AI text-to-image generating software or platforms are not currently eligible and cannot be accepted in the information graphics categories. (By submitting, you attest that the work was done by the eyes, hands and mind of a human creator.) Graphic credits must be attributed to graphics artists or staff. For multiple editions or URL entries, use line of coverage or portfolio.
Printed spreads or doubletruck pages count as a single page entry. If an individual graphic is to be isolated among a wider presentation, add notes to judges in the entry submission.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
3. Special Coverage
This category recognizes expanded coverage around events, topics/themes, series and packages of stories.
Digital: Please submit 3-7 related URLs from page design, infographics or social media. For unrelated stories, please use the portfolio category.
Print: Enter multiple pages that best demonstrate coverage of one topic across several days. An entry should either include a single day of coverage across multiple sections or pages from more than one day of coverage. There is no limit to the number of pages or days of coverage. These do not have to be consecutive pages or consecutive publication dates. Pages from the same event or topic on the same day may not be entered in more than one subcategory. For example, coverage entered as “Regional/local” may not also be entered as “Obituaries.” A page may not be used as part of more than one entry in this category.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
4. Illustration and Use of Multimedia
This category recognizes illustrative storytelling, art direction, as well as design of multimedia elements. Entries will be judged for excellence on the concept, creativity, and relevance to the story. Submit the illustration or element in the context of how it was published. This category recognizes the illustration(s) or element(s) entered, not the overall page design; however, judges may consider how the element is displayed as part of the page and the relevance of concept to the story. Work must be staff-generated and/or first-use. Work may have appeared in print or online. Photography that is manipulated, combined and/or stylized to create an original image (including studio photography) may also be entered as illustration.
Images created using artificial intelligence (including the use of AI text-to-image generating software or platforms) are not accepted in this category. By submitting, you attest that the work was done by the eyes, hands and mind of a human creator. Illustration credits must be attributed to artists or staff and should not include credits to generative AI tools.
For non-English entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Single Illustrations: Submit one (1) full page or URL for each entry. Two print pages designed as a single unit are considered a single page. A single illustration may only be entered once in the single-illustration subcategories.
Multiple Illustrations: Submit multiple illustrations for a single story or topic that spans one or multiple pages.
Photo story/series design categories recognizes excellence in use of photography within visual storytelling. Entries will be judged on the quality of photographs, photo editing and design. Do not submit original photography. Submit the photography in the context of how it was published. Work must be staff-generated and/or first-use. Submit full pages for each entry. All photos on a page or pages will be judged in this category. This category is open to newspapers and magazines. For non-English print entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Photo story: Submit a URL, print page or doubletruck (defined as two pages designed as one unit) from a single publication date.
Photo Series: Submit pages or ULRs from an entire series spanning more than one day.
Other multimedia or design elements (animation, video, audio, typography): This category is for highlighting a specific element or visual storytelling device within a page. Judges will consider both the design and content of the element itself and how the element interacts with the rest of the page design. For multiple URLs entries, use line of coverage or portfolio.
Important: Please note which element(s) on the page should be judged, along with any applicable details.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
5. Platforms and Products
This category recognizes excellence in storytelling and design across platforms.
Print sections: This category is for regularly appearing sections. Submit three (3) complete sections or magazines, including full pages of advertising. Editors may choose any three dates from the previous calendar year. The three sections constitute one multipage entry. Covers or individual pages should be submitted in the page design category. For non-English entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Special Section: This category is for sections that appear fewer than four (4) times a year. Single pages from special sections should be entered in the page design category. Please submit section(s) in full. Do not remove any pages, including full pages of advertising, from a section entered in this category. For non-English entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Social media: For off-platform channels or downstream applications, judges will consider the visuals, how they are displayed or advance storytelling within the context of the platform. Submit the URLs or upload a file and please note which element(s) should be judged.
Digital products: Submit work that demonstrates the use of thoughtful or innovative designs concentrating on user experience or user interface design. Entries can be submitted as screenshots, video, a URL or a URL to a download page. Please supply us with the materials you think are needed to explain this entry in the best way possible.
Experimental: Submit work that does not necessarily fit other categories, including augmented and virtual reality. If relevant, include a URL to a download page or a video showing the entry in use. Please include as much pertinent information as possible to give judges the best opportunity to see how a reader/viewer would see the work.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
6. Non-Editorial
Entries for the competition may be submitted by a diverse range of participants, including but not limited to any company, agency, or individual who played a role in the creation, production, distribution, or placement of the work. Professionals and students are eligible to enter. This wide eligibility ensures that a variety of voices and perspectives can be represented. To qualify, all entries must have been created, produced, or published anytime in 2024.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
7. Student Work
This is for non-published assignments from classes and any work published in a student publication. Work from internships should be entered in the other respective categories. Please include a note on any relevant factors to help judges understand the objectives and how success was measured.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
8. World’s Best and Portfolios
This category recognizes a body of work based on the same critieria from the related categories. If more than one portfolio is entered by the same person or staff in a single subcategory and platform, pages/URLs may not be duplicated between those portfolios. Entries with fewer than the required pages/URLs, or more than the required pages/URLs or that name more than one individual will be disqualified. If you’ve changed jobs, you may enter pages from multiple publications.
A spread or doubletruck, as a part of any portfolio, counts as a single page. A doubletruck is defined as two pages designed as a single unit. For non-English entries, please include a brief explanation of the content in English.
Multiple graphics by one artist on one page is considered one entry. Multiple illustrations by one artist on one page or story is considered one entry. Staff portfolio entries by a single designer will be disqualified in that category.
Individual: Submit a portfolio of exactly five (5) URLs or pages. Digital and Print combination portfolios can be any combo amount of URLs and pages. Team projects showing the work of more than one designer should be entered as a staff portfolio. An “Individual” portfolio should be designed completely or primarily by a single submitter; for stories with multiple bylines, please note the specific role and contributions for the individual credited on the portfolio.
Staff: Submit a portfolio of exactly eight (8) URLs or pages. Digital and Print combination portfolios can be any combo amount of URLs and pages. A “staff” portfolio should be designed by different people as a staff effort; organizations may enter more than one portfolio per subcategory but individual URLs should NOT be repeated among entries with the same portfolio category. For entries around a related topic, use special coverage instead.
World’s Best-Designed
SND will recognize publications, news sites or organizations for overall excellence. Entries will be evaluated on visual storytelling, use of resources including photography/illustration/infographics, news judgment, creative range, execution and voice. This category is not mandatory. Only “staff” will be allowed as a credit when entering. Only one entry per publication is allowed in each of these categories. All World’s Best categories are free for members.
Newspaper: Submit five (5) complete editions from 2024 in PDF form via the digital entry portal. All five editions should come from different weeks – more than seven days apart. No magazines may be entered in this category.
Digital: Submit nine (9) URLs from different weeks — more than seven days apart.
World’s Best Designer: Individual portfolio entrants will also be automatically eligible to be named World’s Best Designer.
World’s Best Emerging Designer: This category will recognize designers with five or fewer years of professional experience. Eligible designers need to have started full-time work in 2019 or later. Entries will be judged for excellence in design skills across a range of platforms or topics. To enter, Individual portfolio entrants will need to check a box in Award Force saying they want to be eligible for the World’s Best Emerging Designer Award.
Click to see details about what platforms are accepted and category descriptions
Frequently asked questions
About the competition and eligibility | Categories | Submitting entries | Judging and awards | Other
About the competition and eligibility
Last year there were multiple competitions and now there is only one. What changed?
This year, the Best of Print News Design, the Best of Digital News Design and the MSUSND student news design competitions are merged into one competition that judges print, digital and student work together. There will be one group of expert judges that evaluates all the work and determines awards.
Who can enter and how do I get a discount?
The creative competition is open to all media and B2B publications. Student work created for student publications or classes is also eligible. You do not need to be a member of SND to participate in the competition. However, SND members and students receive a discount on entries. Becoming an SND member for just $55 allows you to join a community of peers for networking opportunities, and your membership makes it possible for us to continue initiatives that celebrate and support our industry.
SND is also offering new membership tiers: an emerging economies membership, a trust membership and student membership. Anyone who signs up for one of those memberships also gets one free entry to this year’s competition.
To find the member discounts codes, log in to the site and check under SND members for details.
Do I need to be a member of SND to enter?
No, the competition is open to everyone.
What kind of entries are eligible?
This year’s competition accepts print, digital and social media work from all news organizations. Newspapers, magazines and digital-only publications are all eligible.
For students, any work done for student publications is eligible, along with any editorial designs done as a class assignment. Work done for internships should be entered in non-student specific categories.
B2B publications are eligible to submit entries in certain categories, such as ad campaigns, corporate reports, presentations and more.
All entries must have been published between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024.
Is AI-generated work allowed?
Entries utilizing or created by AI are not accepted in the Illustration or Information Graphics categories. In other categories, entries containing AI content will be accepted if the story concerns AI. These entries may use AI generated content in their design for purposes of reporting, storytelling or to provide examples. Credits for this content must be clearly marked as generated by AI. Entries may be moved to another category or disqualified if they fail to follow the rules as outlined.
How do the new categories work?
This year, categories are defined by topic or type of work, and then broken down into print, digital or combination.
For example, if you entered a print features cover last year, then this year you would enter it in the Page Design: Features / Arts category. If you entered a digital features story in the competition last year, you would also enter it into the Page Design: Features / Arts category this year. And if you have a print features story that has a great design both online and print, you would enter both the PDF and URL as one entry, also within the Page Design: Features / Arts category.
Also, if you entered in the Print & Digital combination category in the Best of Print News Design competition last year, you can enter those same submissions within the individual topic-based categories this year.
Categories on the call will be marked with what platforms they allow submissions for: print, digital or combination.
Can I enter a piece as both a single URL/page and in Special Coverage?
Yes! Entrants may enter a single piece of work in single page categories and also as part of “Special Coverage” submissions. Remember that judges will evaluate portfolios and “Special Coverage” submissions on the strength of the entire package.
I want to submit a single story that jumps across multiple pages in print. Where can I submit that?
A multiple page entry that is just one story can be submitted in any categories that accept the platform Print: Single Topic/Single Day/Multiple pages. These entries will be at the Multiple Asset Fee entry rate.
Can I enter the same story or page more than once, and is there any reason to do so?
Yes! It is not uncommon to see the same story or URL repeated in multiple categories when appropriate. This may give an entry the opportunity to be evaluated by different groups of judges or in an alternative context.
However, there are limitations. A URL can be entered as a single URL and as part of a print and digital combination within one subcategory. A print page can be entered once as a single page, once as part of a multipage entry and once as part of a print and digital combination within one subcategory.
An entry cannot be repeated across multiple subcategories within a parent category. But you can submit an entry within multiple different parent categories. For example, you could enter a single print page three separate times within the Page Design: Business category (as a single page entry, as part of a multipage entry and part of a digital and print combination entry), but then you could not enter the same page within any other Page Design categories. You could enter that page though in one of the Infographics, Special Coverage or other parent categories provided it meets the category criteria. . For multiple-URL and multiple-page entries, the same page should not be repeated within a subcategory (special coverage or portfolios).
Why aren’t there different page size categories anymore (broadsheet, compact etc.)?
We are no longer creating separate categories for different page sizes.
Submitting your entries
How do I log into AwardForce?
If you are entering the competition for the first time this year, you will need to make an account with AwardForce. If you entered last year, you can log in with the same account information. You cannot use your SND log in information.
What is required to include with my entry?
Print: If you are submitting print newspaper pages, please upload PDFs. Entries cannot be edited and must appear as they were published. If an entry was published in black and white, the PDF must also be entered in black and white. PDFs that have been altered after publication will be disqualified. Multipage print entries should be bundled together into single PDFs. In some categories, such as illustration or graphics, entries will be viewed for the individual element, not the entire page. If only one element is to be judged, identify it when entering in the notes field. Do not mark on the PDFs.
Digital: If you are submitting digital work, please upload a URL to the story or social media post. For the required screenshots, use a JPG or PNG file type. When submitting entries, it’s important to remember that technology continues to evolve with this competition, and submitting a URL does not always give judges a complete impression of how your site/product/story felt to the reader. In other words, we want to experience your entry as a reader would have experienced it. If the site had live aspects, show us a video of it in play. If we are comparing redesigns, before/after images are necessary. If judges need specific hardware to view the story, please say so. The judges understand this tricky dilemma and will look at an assortment of materials before making their decisions. The key is always going to be overall user/reader experience.
The description field is critical in helping judges understand what they are being asked to review. What is the intent behind the design, who was the target audience and was there any impact from the work (were you successful in what you set out to do with the story)? This is also the place to note the size of your organization and any limitations around resources.
What if my entry is not in English?
For non-English entries, please provide a thorough summary of the story/project in English. SND will try to have a translator if needed, but the more information you give judges about the story and how to navigate the experience, the better. Some organizations have submitted an English language version of their work alongside the original.
Who do I include in credits?
Please include all of the people who had a part in creating the project. Please include names and job titles, separated with semicolons. For example “Jane Doe, developer; John Doe, illustrator.” It’s not necessary to list every contributor, but consider who made the biggest impact on the piece in terms of design, development, editing and visual storytelling.
How should I format my organization name?
Please write out your full organization name, including “The,” if your organization name includes it. Do NOT use abbreviations or a shortened version of the name. Example: “the Washington Post,” not “Washington Post” or “WaPo.” “The New York Times,” not “New York Times.”
What if my entry was submitted in the wrong category?
The competition reserves the right to move an entry into another category if they think it would fare better in another category or disqualify an entry if it fails to meet the rules.
What happens if I want to modify my entry?
After submitting, you will receive an email from AwardForce. If you need to make a change, please use that email to log back in and update your entry as needed until the entry deadline.
How long can I leave entries in my cart in AwardForce?
Your Award Force cart will reset after 24 hours of no activity, and the entries will need to be added back into the cart. Entries cannot be submitted in bulk because of the required validation process. If you are not ready to process for payment, we recommend holding off on moving entries to the cart, or for larger orders, breaking up your entries into multiple transactions.
How do I get my discount code?
To access discount codes, log in to your SND account on Once you’re logged in, you will have access to any codes that apply to you.
Judging and awards
Who will be judging the work?
Teams of judges selected by the SND Competition committee will evaluate each entry on how well it accomplishes its editorial and design objectives. Judges for the competition are journalism, news media and design experts from around the world. If judges have any apparent conflicts of interest on particular entries, they will not be assigned to evaluate those entries. Judges assemble in person during the first half of the year, with results announced live throughout the three-day competition. See previous year’s winners here. Email to nominate judges for future contests.
What are the awards?
Winning entries will receive Awards of Excellence, Bronze, Silver or Gold medals for outstanding work. There are also World’s Best Designed, World’s Best Designer and Best in Show awards. At their discretion, judges may choose to give no awards in one or more categories.
How many winners will be selected in each category?
SND recognizes excellence in news design beyond technical or aesthetic competency. Entries are not judged against one another but only on their own merits, so there is no cap to the number of entries that can receive awards. Historically, judges have given awards to 10-30% of entries and medals to less than 5% of entries. Judges are asked to be tough but fair. Award of Excellence winners are not expected to be “perfect” and may be honored for daring or innovative work.
When do I find out if I won and how do I get a certificate?
Judging for all categories will take place in April and the results will be announced during and directly after judging. Award certificates will be available for downloading or printing through the AwardForce portal (via the same account that was used to submit entries). On your list of entries, the winners will include a tag with the type of award along with a button to download a certificate.
What is the Federal tax ID number for SND?
What will get my entry disqualified?
Reasons for disqualification include: Duplicate entries, incomplete entry forms, not following directions for subcategories. We will attempt to contact you if there are questions.
Can I nominate someone to be a judge?
Yes! Email to nominate judges for future contests.
Can I volunteer to help during judging?
Yes! The competition is entirely run by members, so volunteer support is essential. Many opportunities are available, from posting live results to assisting judges with medal discussions. Email if interested.
More questions?
Email us at